
Socially Responsible Supplier/Provider

From the Socially Responsible Directory


Business Description:

Blueland is a new brand that offers everyday products without single-use plastic packaging. Their effective products are formulated without water (you already have that at home) and minimize the carbon footprint generated when shipping these products from our warehouse to your home. Their products are paired with reusable bottles so you only buy the bottle once and never have to throw it away. They're starting with cleaning products and will be launching new products for your home in the coming months.

Their company mission is to make it easy for everyone to be environmentally responsible. They are focused on eliminating single-use plastic from your everyday products by offering easy, money-saving, effective refillable solutions. They're starting with cleaning products but soon you'll be able to replace more of your products with convenient refills and reusable containers.

[Description taken from their website.]

Client/Customer Locations:

They are an online business selling internationally.

Business Location / Contact Information:


About This Directory

This directory lists suppliers, providers, and resources you may hire or use to take an action that will help you do more social good through your Small Business.

All entries are organized into 4 categories as part of the Small Actions Framework, a unique approach to Small Business Social Responsibility.

Find additional providers, suppliers, and resources to help you do more social good through your Small Business in the complete directory:

About Small Actions Greater Good

Small Actions Greater Good provides education, resources, and training to make it easier for Small Businesses Owners to do more effective social good that benefits their business, makes them proud of their efforts, and inspires others (also known as Small Business Social Responsibility).

Learn more about our unique approach to Small Business Social Responsibility:

About This Business

This business is a separate entity from Small Actions Greater Good. We do not endorse, warrant, or guarantee the products or services offered or provided by individuals or businesses listed within this directory.

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