Breaking the 6 Most Common Small Business Social Responsibility Myths
Are you interested in doing social good through your business… but you haven't started yet? Are you hesitant to do MORE good because of things you have heard? Are you confused about how social responsibility can be done by Small Business Owners? Is there SOMETHING holding you back but you aren't sure what?
You are not alone. You most likely believe one of the 6 most common myths about Small Business Social Responsibility that prevent Small Business Owners from doing good… or more good.
In this free 40-minute training, you'll learn:
- Details about each of the 6 most common social responsibility myths (otherwise known as limiting beliefs).
- How these myths or limiting beliefs may prevent you from embracing Social Responsibility.
- An alternative truth for each of these myths.
- Recommendations for where to begin if you want to start doing social good.
Don't let these beliefs hold you back!
About the Presenter
Tanya Quinn, Founder of Small Actions Greater Good
Tanya’s always had an overwhelming need to see the bigger picture – to know how her efforts and energy in life were contributing to something more.
To fill a gap that she saw between large corporate programs and small business opportunities, she founded Small Actions Greater Good to provide Social Responsibility inspiration and support to Small Business Owners who, like her, want to contribute to the greater good while also contributing to their business growth and profitability.
She’s a passionate trainer who inspires Small Business Owners to do more good while also providing practical tips and resources to help make their efforts easier and more effective (i.e. contribute to their business growth).